Buying prints and posters are certainly fun and affordable - however, there's much more to be considered into saving up for a piece of one-of-a-kind type of art. If you’ve been sticking with framed prints, let these five reasons tempt you into booking your first consultation with Masterpiece by IS to purchase a unique painting instead.
1- Customized paintings are unique
There is a distinctive pleasure that comes with customized paintings hung on your wall, as they are made just for you. As painting are made specially for you, whether it’s made to resemble a special memory to you or simply created just for you, uniqueness will be the supplementary value that rectifies your walls.
2- Paintings are handmade
Like handmade sweaters, handcrafted pottery and hand-thrown furniture, customized paintings show more of your personality which consequently gives the painting your character. This quality adds richness and personality to the home. Factory-made furniture and printed posters just cannot compete with that as they come to you with their creator’s character instead of your own.
3- Personalized paintings add life to the room
As paintings become the focal point of a room, whether your artistic taste goes towards bold and graphic landscapes or towards vintage landscapes, the paintings you choose are bound to have an enormous impact on your space. Nothing else has such a capacity to bring remarkableness and change in ambiance like a resembling painting of your own.
4- Paintings have a magical touch of turning a house into a home
It’s the magic of transforming concrete walls into a place you can connect to through customized paintings that give the surrounding a soul. The paintings you customize become a part of your own identity. Just taking your paintings out and hanging them up can change any space, no matter where you are, to feel like home
5- Paintings give an energized feeling
Gazing at your personalized painting refreshes your mind. Why not treat yourself to a daily dose of inspiration by owning a painting you love?