A guide for YOU to choose a painting
Why buy an ordinary painting when you can hang your own personalized masterpiece with special memory that holds meaning to you. You might have a great idea in mind but can’t find it anywhere near you. You might have a special memory for that you’d like to recall every time you look at. Our advice is to avoid off-the-shelf paintings and create your own masterpiece with us.
We make sure you Own a piece of art that describes you. Yet, shows off your interests and ideas to visitors. One to one consultation is offered to you to assure your satisfaction from the end result. Being a part of this progress will make it memorable and special to you. The moment you book your first meeting, we will make sure you have the best experience through the 4 easy steps of the progress. The road to your masterpiece starts here, visit our Instagram page and book your first appointment.
Step 1
Book your first Free consultation appointment with our artist through our Instagram Page (hyperlink), to grasp ideas and discuss color schemes that would work best with your decor.
Step 2
Our artist creates a colored sample sketch with details and notes taken from the client. The sketch created is a demo to illustrate the Client’s request for approval.
Step 3
After the approval, Magic starts where the artist begins painting the masterpiece.
Step 4
The masterpiece is done and ready to decorate your home.